
Our Mission at Northwest Disk Replacement

To ensure every patient gets a targeted and individualized treatment plan based on multiple factors to ensure the very best outcomes.  This treatment paradigm allows our patients to gain relief from the pain and disability from spinal conditions faster and more completely.  Importantly, we utilize only the very latest in cutting-edge techniques and instrumentation to ensure your safety.  Through the process, we remain your strongest advocate to ensure you have the best available options, based on expert medical decision making.

What We've Achieved

  • We were involved in the initial multi-center FDA trials for disk replacement that led to certification for the technology in the USA.
  • One of the first surgeons in the USA to began performing disk replacement after FDA approval in 2008.
  • Helped lead advocacy for patients by assisting the federal government (CMS) with appropriate billing and coding. Worked with State (L&I) and private insurance companies to ensure coverage approval for the procedure.

  • For over a decade, we have been involved in artificial disk replacement.
  • Certified and utilized nearly all of the currently available disk replacements in the USA.
  • First to provide multi-level disk replacement under FDA guidelines.
  • Perform procedures weekly with a dedicated staff/team allows for high success rate with 0% reoperations for revision or infection since TDR was FDA approved.

Our partners are so important and we accomplish a lot together.

We partner with some of the biggest and best health care organizations in the country.  Our relationship with cutting-edge device manufactures affords us access to the latest advances in disk replacement technology.

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the contact form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.

Are You Ready to Live Pain Free?

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